We are living in the age of Internet Marketing, also known as Content Marketing. Here, online visibility is a must, to stay on top and relevant, and make more money.
If you don’t have a good web presence, and aren’t busy promoting and expanding your business, via effective Internet Marketing, you won’t survive for long.What’s Internet Marketing?It’s the new age marketing of a business or brand and its products and services over the Internet, through different tools, employing content, e-mails, search and paid media strategies, to help drive traffic, leads and sales.
Internet Marketing techniques are mostly organic by nature, but these (the techniques) could be paid as well.
Organic internet marketing may not lead to great results instantly, but it would help businesses grow and expand eventually, if done the right way.Content Marketing is the FutureAs per a study, 91% of businesses, across the globe, believe that Internet Marketing is an indispensable and exciting marketing tactic.
Content Marketing involves offering valuable, readable and steady content. It’s the marketing of the present and future.
It stimulates, educates, and guides prospects, and builds trust, authority and connections. When it happens, and when you offer help and value to your customers and prospects, they reward you by becoming your customers and utilizing your products & services.Content Marketing vs. Traditional MarketingContent Marketing is Inbound Marketing and not Outbound Marketing, also called Traditional Marketing. By and large, the latter is interruptive, obstructive, and invasive, besides being costly.
A research shows that, presently, 615+ million devices in the world have adblockers.
What does it mean?
It means traditional marketing may not be very effective.
As per another study, Content Marketing or Internet Marketing is 62% less costly, vis-à-vis the traditional marketing though it pulls over 3 times more business and profits.Visuals & Videos RuleVisuals–in the form of exciting videos and infographics–are comparatively more powerful in attracting new customers and others. Brain processes visuals 60,0000 times faster than texts.
As per another report, people are consuming over 500 million hours of video content daily across the globe.
In an age where majority of us suffer from attention-span problem, it certainly pays to make videos and visuals–that informs, empowers and entertains–a crucial element of our content creating & promotion strategies.
Online videos swiftly increase awareness, stays top of mind with new customers, and also leads to conversions from high-intent viewers.
These also give any brand the power to reach, engage, and convert its most prized audiences in the right moments – whether they’re exposed to a completely new brand for the first time, or are just a few minutes away from striking a deal, and making a purchase.
When brands are present and useful in those moments, the chances of results following are high.4 Exciting Tips for Successful Content MarketingTo harness the amazing powers of Internet Marketing, in the most fruitful way, make Search Engine Optimization (SEO), grammar & spelling, storytelling, and videos an important part of your overall content marketing strategy.1. SEO: Optimize your content for better visibility and improved performance on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). If your content fails to find a place on the first page, it won’t lead to the results you could be keen in.2. Grammar & Spelling: Ensure that your blogs and articles are grammatically correct, and have the right spellings. A piece of content–with glaring grammatical errors and misspellings–won’t’ impress your readers and prospects even as your brand’s value will diminish.3. Stories: Master the art of storytelling for higher traction. Most of us love stories. If there’s a beautiful and inspiring story woven cleverly in your piece, it will pull the ‘emotional trigger’, and lead to better ‘connections’ with your readers and prospects.4. Videos: As per a report, in India, online video is behind over 70% of the nation’s total data usage. As the nation’s online population continues to increase, so will the figure of the video-famished consumers, browsing the web. So, use videos and attractive designs to create persuasive visual content!Summing-up, make Internet Marketing a vital cog in your business establishment and expansion wheel. Follow the marketing strategy tips shared to make more money, and get the best possible business results.
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The Tasting Room: Branding or Marketing
In selling wine, especially in the tasting room, there is a difference between marketing and branding. Yes, the two are often co-mingled, but they must be interpreted and managed differently. Without a brand identity it is hard to market wine. We do not want to take this discussion into an esoteric direction, however, tasting rooms are an opportunity to go far beyond just selling wine, the real bonus lies in creating a tasting room to sell wine and reinforce a brand identity, i.e. branding.Maybe it would help to look at branding this way: “Branding is to a company (winery) as personality is to a person. Branding is as much inward as outward-facing. If you have a strong, trustworthy brand, your employees are happier, more motivated, and more loyal,” says Mr. Russel Cooke, A Customer Relationship Manager professional. “Branding is the allocation of resources to promote awareness of your brand, products and services. The purpose of marketing, in a nutshell, is to communicate your brand’s value to potential customers.”Branding is a process that happens over time; like how our personalities evolve over time, but at some point, the personality becomes defined for people to recognize. Marketing will use advertising (print, radio, TV), designs, collateral materials to build awareness for a brand and hopefully call the consumer to action.Is a tasting room only for sales? I would submit the answer to be, “a tasting room is a terrible asset to waste solely on sales”. A brand is a legacy asset in perpetuity and sales is fleeting. Wine sales is an effort that must be created anew each season; a brand lives on to be destroyed or strengthened, so chose you brand identity wisely!In any marketing or branding experience the complexities of successfully executing these tasks are mindboggling; truly. In the wine industry the task can be exponentially more complex because of ancillary issues such as: Federal regulations, outside issues that influence product (weather), and local government constraints, et al. Selling coffee mugs should be a bit less complex. In the direct-to-consumer marketing arena, the tasting room is the only place where the winery can control and execute their plans in branding and selling/marketing their product in real time. Here, a visitor comes to you and says, tell me about your product and by-the-way, I want to buy. Wow, what an advantage in marketing!The tasting room is truly the only face-to-face time a winery has to impact all the human senses that will influence a sale and hopefully a repeat sale. I submit therefore, the visitors interface experience with employees is the most important; why else do companies send representatives to visit the customer? Airlines at one time felt that e-mail and video conference calls would negatively impact their business; facts proved that wrong. Nothing can replace the impact of people looking directly at, communicating with, and feeling the persona of face-to-face interactions.Maybe you are still doubtful of this line of thought, well consider the successes of reality TV. Shows like American Pickers and Fixer Uppers are shows about people, experiences and their lives. American Pickers or Dirty Jobs are shows that now spend most of time focused on real people and their stories. A tasting room experience is communicating with people who love wine and want to be sold and want to learn about the brand story. Yes, taste the wine, but tell the visitor the story of the brand.Let’s assume for this discussion that a significant number of people do decide to visit a specific winery for any of numerous reasons. To illustrate the point. A few years ago, I saw a study that listed various reasons why individuals visited a winery:
Wanting to see the winery that made their favorite wine.
Referred by friends.
Wanted to experience a winery or location.
Wanted to buy wine to commemorate a visit to the region.
The premise is, branding through interpersonal contacts, within tasting rooms, is important and maybe even critical, to all wineries; large and small. This type of branding tool will give instant product feedback about marketing and branding because the visitor is engaged with a winery representative. Finally, public contact winery employees can immediately address visitor product queries. We inherently buy products (wine) and services based on relationships and a feeling (trust and enthusiasm) about the relationship with the company/winery.Many years ago, I visited a winery selling expensive wine; expensive by the standards of 3 decades ago; and I ask a simple question: What makes your varietal more expensive than another winery’s? When I ask the question, I did so with an obstinate tone, to the credit of the tasting room employee, she artfully engaged me and others within earshot in discussing what makes their wines more expensive/quality. She was responsive, unoffended, engaged and converted me to be a marketing missionary for her winery’s quality wines. My first real experience with real world branding.I believe in the power of branding and how it impacts sales, production, finance and longevity.Tasting rooms that draw upon a winery brand and reinforce the brand ultimately will sell wines. Without a good brand, marketing is a very tough exercise for a winery. My fantasy for tasting room effectiveness #101 is:
Be met at the door and be given a brochure about the winery, its management, explanation of the winemaker’s philosophy/approach to the product, and information presented with a sense of pride. Whether the tasting is free, charged, or one by appointment only; whatever the business model, the brand experience is most important. For example, have you ever been to a winery of humble facilities, yet you connected with the brand because of the people? Conversely, have you been to a very well-appointed tasting room and left feeling underwhelmed?
Realize visitors are buying an experience and hopefully a relationship. Just read a list of old wine quotes and one soon realizes, wine has long been elevated simply based upon the experience of wine.
Nice people that know the wines their winery produces.
Employees who engages me in understanding what makes their wines great that is part of their brand image.
Visitors want a story about the brand and then the wine.
If staff in the tasting room have a “belly-up-to-the-bar” presentation to the visitor, the winery has diminished the value of a tasting room by more than 50%, even if the visitor buys a bottle of wine.
If the branding and marketing effort work together, the sale happens. Then comes the wine club sale, new vintage follow-on sales and direct mail with collateral materials. As a channel of distribution, the tasting room is a winner.
Know the vineyards from which their grapes come and why that is important.
Staff that are proud of the product.
Want to understand what I like and why.
Treat me respectfully and at my level of experience. The tasting room is not about a place where the staff can show their knowledge of buzzwords and technical points-bad branding.
And a tasting room that sends me on my way with a farewell that makes me feel good about my visit and purchase. “Please enjoy my wine and drop me a note to tell me when you drank it.”
A winery tasting room that does these things will encourage me to buy more, share my experience with others, and give me a super long-term view of what the values are of this winery-hopefully one of excellence.As a “back of the napkin” exercise, if you are a winery owner or tasting room manager, write down precisely how you think your winery’s brand is defined by the visitor, then the distributor, restaurant/on-premise buyer and retailers. Then ask yourself, is that the brand I want, need and can live with for the future. People buy the brand first and the marketing story second; the brand lives on but the marketing story will change because of many dictates.Attitude and product knowledge of the tasting room staff, interpersonal skills, level of interest by management and staff throughout the organization; all these factors ooze the brand definition throughout the organization. Winery’s do not need to spend a lot of money to create a brand, but the tasting room is coming from the inside out.We never forget that branding and marketing are complex and rarely turn out great without in-depth planning, initiating experience, constant training and reinforcement of strategies, buy-in at all levels, and updating of the plans.A tasting room should present the brand to the public as desired by the owners. “Branding is the truth, reputation, and value of a small business’s image, ethics, and craftsmanship. It is the stamp or logo on a product that becomes a household name and trusted brand. Marketing is the sales driven tactic which stands behind branding,” says Monique Ouellette. Notice that marketing is behind the brand and drives the “call to action” to drive the sale.Apple is a great brand and marketing organization. Look at the branding of their retail locations (tasting rooms). Disney is another great brand that is on display in their tasting rooms. Don’t confuse branding and marketing.
The Key to Small Business Marketing Success – Practice What You Preach
I want to talk about an aspect of marketing your small business that is often overlooked, but oh so huge in determining the overall success of your small business.The aspect — practicing what you preach.So, what exactly do I mean by this? Well, too often I see small business owners who don’t practice what they preach in their services, their beliefs about their business, what they do for their own small business, what they’re willing to spend for a service and on and on.Not practicing what you preach leads to in-congruency — whether conscious or subconscious — and that in-congruency will hinder the success of your small business.You’ve no doubt run into small business owners who don’t practice what they preach, right? I know I sure have. In fact, here are just a few examples that I’ve run into…An orthodontist who’s marketing like crazy to get new patients for braces, yet their teeth are horrible. They expect their clients to spend thousand and thousands of dollars getting that perfect smile all the while they look like snaggle-tooth.A divorce therapist who counsels clients on what it takes to have a long and fruitful relationship, while she has been married and divorced three times.A life or business coach who emphasizes that working with a coach will help get your affairs in order and on the right track to enjoy much success, while his life is in complete disarray and isn’t working with a coach of his own.The real estate agent who rents an apartment.The personal trainer who’s 30 pounds overweight.The interior designer who has furniture that’s 2 decades old.The financial planner who’s in massive credit card debt.What do you think when you see a small business owner who doesn’t practice what they preach? Do you trust them? Do you want to do business with them? Do you think they’re worth the price they charge? Probably not.So, my dear small business friends, the question is…are YOU practicing what YOU preach??If you answered “yes” — great! You get a gold star for the day. Keep doing what you’re doing.If you answered “no” or “not really” or “umm, yeah, well, uh sort-of, gosh, I don’t know. Jeanna quit asking me these pointed questions.” Then we’ve got some work to do. There are two main areas where you need to be absolutely sure that you are, in fact, practicing what you preach.Area #1Practice What You Preach in Your ServicesMake sure that you are taking advantage and utilizing the same services that you offer and sell to your clients.What do I mean by this?Well if you’re an acupuncturist, you’d better make darned sure that you go see an acupuncturist yourself. If you’re a business coach, you’d better be working with another business coach for your own business. If you’re an estate planning attorney, you better have a will and an estate plan of your own.Do you buy and utilize the same services that you are offering your clients? If not, then you are not practicing what you preach. If you expect others to buy the service that you offer, you’d better be willing to buy that service yourself.Area #2Practice What You Preach in What Your Willing to SpendMake sure that whatever you charge your clients for your services that you would be willing to spend the same amount if you were going to hire someone like you.So, if you’re a re-modeler and charge your clients $35,000 to remodel a guest bathroom, you’d better be willing to spend $35K to remodel your own bathroom or at the very least value your services enough to know your worth that amount. I don’t want you to miss this aspect, because it is HUGE.If you’re not willing to spend the same amount of money on the service that you charge your clients…there’s a problem. If you don’t feel that your services are really worth the amount that you’re charging…there’s even a bigger problem.Practicing what you preach is a key element in running and a successful small business! Practicing what you preach will help you market your services better and it will help you attract clients faster.Final ThoughtThe best way to build trust and integrity in your business is to practice what you preach. If a few things are off in your business, the time to change them is now. After all you are the best “evangelist” for your services, so make sure you walk your talk.
Keep These 5 Rules in Mind for Successful Commercial Designing
Who doesn’t want an excellent commercial design? Excellent commercial design is important to maintain the reputation and brand image of the company. As it is said, the first impression is the last impression, a good impression always attracts potential customers. It’s obvious no one would ever love to walk in a congested environment with bad lighting.
Bad design and interiors deteriorate the productivity of the employees. It can be a confusing task when planning a commercial designing project for the first time, hiring expert Commercial Architects Melbourne can be the best option to know about the latest trends and perfect matching designs.
This blog is about some basic rules to consider for making the commercial project successful.
Keep structures versatile
When it comes to transforming any commercial space, focusing on convertibility and keeping office interior decor versatile can be the best option. It can be done by implementing a versatile structure to spaces such as cafeterias, offices, and many more. Everyone gives preference to comfort hence, focusing on spatial and versatile design will help to complete commercial designing projects in an optimal way.
Consider the latest technology implementations
Technology plays a supportive role to enhance the commercial designing project. Moving forward with the latest technology is important to execute any business smoothly because technologies make the work much easier and comfortable for the employee as well as organizations. Implementing centralized and decentralized digital control is much needed in any commercial design.
Keep office aesthetics updated
Good aesthetics and interiors impact the overall representation of the office and make the place functional and attractive. Hire a reputed designer for modern décor and furniture ideas. Hiring a designer reduces half of the project stress and helps to meet the contemporary fashion and latest trends. They can help to choose the perfect theme that blends well with the office decor, atmosphere, and colour.
Provide personalized space to prevent congestion
Majority of customer prefers personalized space such as different seating to seat comfortably and do the personal work. Personalized space is one of the crucial factors for customer-based service offices such as hotels and cafeterias to provide an ambient and comfortable place.
Always keep safety first
Safety is the central feature of every construction and designing project. Hence, it’s the high-priority factor to keep the aesthetic and functional safety at the working place. It can be compromised for interior decoration and design purposes but it’s not at all affordable to compromise for safety purposes.
Following the above useful ideas can easily help in the successful completion of a commercial designing project in a safe and pleasing way. In today’s, modern construction, reliability, and comfort is also an equally important factor.
Final words,
It’s important to hire the experienced Building designer Melbourne to make the commercial designing project worthy. Hope the above rules helped you to scale up your interior designing projects with a better outcome. Follow the above tips for any renovation or remodelling project and surely you will get award-winning and achieve a better office experience.
How Long Should A Laptop Battery Last And How To Increase the Battery Life
No matter how expensive your laptop is, its battery won’t last more than four years. According to experts, a new laptop battery gives you as many as 1,000 cycles. In other words, you can charge and recharge the battery up to 1000 times. However, many factors play their role to increase or decrease the lifespan of a laptop battery. For instance, the material used for producing the battery substance. So, if you want to ensure that your battery stands the test of time, given below are some of the tips that can help.
1. Install a good battery monitor
If you are looking for an alternative, you can choose from tons of third-party utilities. Basically, the software programs help you monitor your laptop battery. These programs have no compatibility issues with any type of laptop.
Using these tools, you can find out which programs are using most of the battery power. You can then close the unwanted programs to save battery power.
2. Install maintenance apps
You can use some manufacturer-recommended maintenance tools for maintaining your laptop battery. Based on the type of your battery, you will receive different suggestions. Apart from this, your operating system will come with a built-in utility that can help you keep an eye on your battery condition.
3. Maintain your device temperature
You should try your level best to ensure your laptop maintains its temperature. In summer, electronic devices tend to heat up, which negatively impacts the life of the battery packs.
Therefore, you should make sure that there is a little bit of space between the bottom of the device and the table you have placed your device on. Besides, the ventilation system of your device should be working properly. For this purpose, regular cleaning of your device is quite important.
4. Don’t use maximum brightness
When your screen brightness is at maximum level, your device will use the maximum power. So, turning down the brightness is the first thing you can do to save power. Also, it is not a good idea to keep the brightness at max level as it can have a negative impact on your eyesight.
So, by following these simple tips, it will be easier for you to extend the life of your laptop battery.
5. Change the power-saving settings
Before you do anything, go into the power options of your laptop. If you are using Windows operating system, you can go to the control panel to access the power options. The control panel can be accessed from the Start Menu.
Some users have MacOS. If you are one of them, you need to access Energy Saver, which is found in the System Preferences. If these values are set to default, your computer will use the least amount of power.
So, what you need to do is make small changes to the settings so that you achieve a balance between power and performance. For best performance, there is always the choice to connect your device to the AC outlet.
The Best Ways I’ve Found To Make Money Online From Home
Have you been looking for a way to make money online without having to know much of the internet stuff? Wanting to work at home but don’t know how to do it? Here is the key gem: Between all the tricks on joining the craft beer movement, opening a gallery or being a tour operator, you will find clever advice that anybody can apply to make money online quickly.
The most basic way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. It is really easy. Basically you set up an ad for someone she is selling something and when they click through and buy it, you make money! Simple enough if you have no technical skill at all. Here are some simple tips on how to earn using affiliate marketing:
Drop-shipping is one of the most useful methods. You select a product in which you believe there is a demand and then drop-ship it to your customers in small quantities. You make money from the difference between what the stock costs and what you sell it for. For this method, it is important to note that you may need to make space for your inventory on your premises or perhaps wait until you have a build of an inventory before you can start drop-shipping; but the advantages make it a good choice for those seeking to make money online from their spare time.
Paid surveys are a great way to earn some extra cash. These can be accessed easily and there are many sites where you can get paid from spending your spare time. There is one site, though, which is said to pay $200 a week for twelve weeks straight – you can’t beat that kind of money making potential. With paid surveys, it is important to note that the sites are generally scams, and that you need to do some research to ensure you are making good money making opportunities.
Finally, a passive income generating method that can bring in money on autopilot is eToro’s Forex trading. This works by allowing you to invest on a demo account and earn money from the performance of the currencies being exchanged. The best thing about this system is that it allows you to do virtually anything and still see profits coming in. eToro has an average starting price of less than $50 and can generate an income of five figures in just a few months.
These are the best things I have found for making money online from your home. Though none of them are as good as, say, a paid-online course, they are much more affordable and can provide a valuable education to start earning money immediately online. With just a little research, you should be able to find a legitimate opportunity to get paid to learn the basics of making money in the currency markets. This is a truly remarkable opportunity.
Finding the Best Business Idea For Your Home Based Business
How many home based business opportunities are available to you? If you want to make money online at home, you really have many options to choose from. The big question is – which one will give you the biggest chance of success? Is there a ‘one size fits all’ answer? The simple truth is that not every opportunity is right for everyone, and not every opportunity will bring you the greatest amount of profit.
So, what are some home business ideas that can make money online for you? The quick and dirty answer is: the one that best suits your particular set of needs. Make a list of your priorities, including a high income; a low-risk schedule; freedom; flexibility; work-life balance; independence; something in your range of skills and expertise; and interesting work that you have an interest in… You can take this list with you and talk to people who are working from home on the same things that you would be considering. Chances are that you will find some great niches that fit your standards and your desires.
But what if you want to get started right away? It’s easy to think that you can jump into a new business idea and be successful immediately, but this often isn’t the case. It takes many different things to make sure that you will be able to get through the hurdles and actually make it to a point where you are seeing profit. If you don’t work at it slowly, you will be setting yourself up for failure. Here’s the lowdown on some different things that you should consider as you create your own business idea:
First, you need to think about what you have to offer. If you don’t have any ideas as to what to do as a freelance writer, a lowdown on finding a niche is very important. Many beginners go into this completely clueless. But if you know that you have a skill that others are desperately seeking, you may be able to provide them with the service they are looking for without having to spend much time building up a website or getting traffic to it.
Another thing to consider is what kinds of products or services would best fit a niche that you would like to get started in. In this case, the lowdown on finding the best business idea for you would include taking a look at what you love to do and what you can offer others. If writing is not your strongest point, but you love to get creative, consider freelance data entry. Freelance data entry does not require a lot of startup capital, but you still need to have the skills that will allow you to be successful in this area. The best lowdown on finding the best business idea for you is to simply start looking at what you like to do and what you can offer others.
There are many other areas of freelance writing that you can explore in order to make the most out of your home based online business. Freelance writers are in high demand online. If you have the skills that are needed to do well in this field, there is no reason that you should not be able to find a great home-based online business that will give you the income that you want.
Earn Money Writing From Home And Never Run Out of Ideas
Is it your dream to work from home as a writer and earn money from everything you write? That was my dream for years, and 20 years ago it became my reality.
One of the hardest things at first was to come up with ideas of what to write about. I started by doing freelance writing and I also set up my own website and I wanted to write and publish books. It was all a great plan, but it meant coming up with thousands of ideas.
At first I didn’t think it was possible, but it turned out that not only was it possible to come up with endless ideas for writing, but I ended up with notebooks full of ideas because I had more than I could ever use at once.
And I’ll tell you 3 things that helped.
1. I write fast. Once I’m into writing an addictive story or an interesting article – or series of articles, I get into a writing ‘flow’ and can write for hours. I never stop and second-guess myself. I just keep writing because fast writers are mega producers and never have time for writers’ block.
2. The more I write and the faster I write, the more writing ideas I have. Productive writers always get an abundance of ideas as they write. When I’m immersed in my writing, my creative mind goes into hyper-drive. Even if I started with only one or two ideas, once I sit down and start writing the ideas start flowing. And it doesn’t matter what I write. Even if I’m journaling or copying out someone else’s writing by hand (just for practice), it inspires ideas.
3. I love to write. Most days I’m excited and motivated to sit down and write. I hurry through other chores I have to do so that I can get to my desk and write.
At first, being a writer was hard because it’s not easy to work from home with no boss, no set hours and too many distractions. But once I got a writing routine, I found that once I sat my backside in my chair and started writing, it was easy to ignore everything and motivation arrived and kept me going.
So if you find yourself longing to write but stuck for ideas, just sit down and start writing. Write anything even if it’s just nursery rhymes you were taught as a kid, or open a book and start handwriting it out.
And if you’re like me you’ll find that even on days when you think you don’t feel like writing and the ideas just won’t come, sit down and write anyway, and before you know it you’ll be overloaded with ideas.
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